ASP stands for Active Server Pages, which is one of the web programming language for creating dynamic web pages. ASP is one of technology products provided by Microsoft. ASP is processed through the web server and the results of this process to produce HTML that will be sent through a browser
ASP working on a web server and a server side scripting. Unlike VBScript that works on the client or client-side scripting is also called. Nevertheless ASP uses VBScript as a language basis for pemogramannya.
ASP is a programming language made in Microsoft. You may have guessed something like what's ASP. Very compatible with. NET framework and MSSQL connection with a very nice, of course it sama2 Microsoft products. Paid, of course. Functionality and ease? This is what I not understand, because it had never been tried and is still lack of an article about this one programming language. But reportedly the ASP programming language-based event handling, this is certainly good news for those who do not want beribet with the HTML DOM and javascipt to handle the event.
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Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010
ASP understanding
Label: software, technology
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