Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

How to protect files windows

WINDOWS XP provides many facilities for management of files or folders, including the feature to set the right akses.Anda can determine who can read, write, execute and fill in a special folder or file.Secara you can specify which programs can be run by the individual - each user by setting permissions on the folder or specific file. This feature is perfect for privacy menajaga files or folders that you save.

Please note that pengaturann access rights can only be done on a folder or file that uses the partition type NTFS.partisi FAT or FAT32 can not implement these features.
Follow these steps to set permissions using Windows XP.
1. Open the folder option via the menu [Start]> [Control Panel]> [Folder Options]. Click on the tab [View], then remove the check mark by option [Use simple file sharing (recommended)] that exist under the advanced setting.Dengan do this , you've enabled the mode of access rights more fully in the Windows XP operating system.
2. Windows Open Explorer, right-click on a file, folder or drive that will gives a chance the permissions, then kelik [Properties] and select the tab [securiy].
3. Do the permissions settings by adding an existing user on Windows XP via the [add].
4. click one of the user's user name on the Group under Group or user names that have your names added previously.
5. Under permissions for administrators, change the settings [Allow] or [Deny] on each - each type of existing access rights: Full Control, Modify, read & Execute, List folder contents, Read and write.
6. ok
7. completed

Hopefully can help .. do not forget to leave your comments and suggestions



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