Senin, 01 Maret 2010

History of Ethernet

Xerox corp developed in the 1970s and became the most popular in 80 years because accepted as an IEEE 802.3 standard (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engeneers) enthernet work based on the broadcast network, where each node receives every transmission of data sent by each node. Using CSMA / CD (carier sence multiple access / collition) base band

How it works Ethernet
• Before sending the data packets, each node to see whether the network also is sending a packet network data.jika busy (busy), then the node will wait until no longer be sent by the network.
• If the network empty, then the node that sent the package. If at the same time there are two nodes that send data, then the collision occurred. If the collision happens to the second node then sends a signal to the network clock, and all nodes will stop sending data packets and re-wait. Then, by random node - the node that sends data back to wait and packages that have collision and will be sent back on when there is a chance.
• Speed 10 Mb / sec more and more nodes are installed demakin likely many possible collision.
If seen from the speed, Ethernet is divided into four types:
1. 10 MB / sec, which is often referred to as Ethernet only (the standard used 10 base 5 2.10 base, 10 base T, 10 Base F)
2. 100 Mb / sec which is often referred to as Fast Ethernet (100 base standards used fx, 100 Base T, 100 Base T4, 100 Base Tx)
3. 1000 Mb / sec which is called as gigabyte Ethernet (the standard used in 1000 base x, 1000 base lx, 1000 Base SX, 1000 Base T)
4. 10000th Mb / sec or 10 GByte / sec, (this standard has not been widely implemented).



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